Term Dates
School Timings (32.5 hours a week)
Doors open 8:40am
Day begins 8:50am
Day ends: 3:20pm
Bassetts Farm Primary School have a whole school attendance target which is 97%.
There are things you can do to improve your child’s attendance and avoid falling into the persistent absence category:
- Avoid taking any holidays during term times
- Keep medical appointments- dentist, opticians, and doctors outside of school hours.
- Speak to school staff with any concerns.
- Talk to your child about the importance of them being in school and let them know how important you feel it is.
- Keep up to date with what % attendance your child has so that you know if they are at risk of persistent absence.
The office staff will keep you up to date with absence levels. You will receive a letter from the office when
- You have reached 12 sessions (6 days) of absence (morning and afternoon are 2 sessions)
- If level become a concern - below 90%
You have reached 5 sessions of lateness (before and/or after registers close)