Our Governing Body
What do Governors do?
School governors have a wide range of responsibilities, helping to raise standards of pupil achievement and planning the school’s future direction, always in consultation with the Headteacher and other staff. We are also accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community. We are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day-to-day management of the school; that is the job of the Headteacher. At Bassetts Farm School, we meet as a Full Governing Body about eight times a year.
Bench Marking DATA
Please click here for Bassetts Farm Benching Marking Data
Governors’ responsibilities include:
- Helping to establish the aims and policies of the school and how standards of education can be constantly improved
- Ensuring that a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered and that it meets statutory requirements, while promoting high standards and monitoring progress during the year
- Appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher (being a ‘critical friend’)
- Acting as a link between the local community and the school
- Helping to set and manage the school budget
- Ensuring the health and safety of pupils and staff
Individual governors are also linked with a particular area, such as Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding, a curriculum subject or specific area. All governors are encouraged to visit the school during the working day if they can, but we do not interfere in the day-to-day teaching or running of the school: we leave that to the professionals!
At Bassetts Farm we have a lively and dedicated team who work hard for the school
There are currently 5 vacancies on our Governing Board.
2 Parent Governor Vacancies
To be eligible for this role you must be the parent of a child at Bassetts Farm School or be caring for/have cared for a child at the school. You cannot be an elected member of the local authority. If you also work for the school this must be for a maximum of 500 hours per year.
1 Foundation Governor Vacancy
We are part of the Avocet learning trust and all foundation governors will need to be approved by this foundation.
2 Co-opted Governor Vacancies
Co-opted governors and trustees are co-opted by agreement of the board, based on the skills the individual will bring to the board. The term of office for a co-opted governor or trustee starts from the date of the meeting at which they are co-opted
This role may be particularly of interest if you have skills in finance/accounting, human resources, data or education but we invite applications from anyone who is interested in helping the school be the best it can be. Full training is available and governors are encouraged to attend regular training sessions, either in person or online.
If you are interested please contact the school office to speak to the Clerk to Governors.