Bassetts Farm Primary School

A love of learning for life

St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4GB

01395 275968

At Bassetts we love to read. We believe in inspiring a love for reading and creativity by inviting a variety of authors to share their stories and experiences with our children. These visits bring books to life, offering a unique opportunity for students to meet the people behind the stories they enjoy. Through workshops, readings, and Q&A sessions, authors spark imaginations and encourage children to explore their own writing skills. These memorable encounters not only nurture a love for literature but also show our children that their own ideas and creativity have the potential to grow into something truly amazing!

Claire Barker

Justin Somper

Onjali Rauf

Hannah Gold

Jan Oke

Serena Patel

Michael Rosen

Clare Helen Walsh

World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2025

Katya Balen

Jack Meggett- Phillips

Catherine Emmett

Andy Seed