home learning
Each week, the children are set Home Learning.
Our aims are:
- To enthuse learning
- To develop essential skills
- To enable parents to support their child with their learning
- To build upon learning in school
- To be accessible for all
Why have homework?
Learning at home helps to develop good learning attitudes within children. Home learning helps to build a bridge between school, children and parents.
What are the benefits of home learning?
Research shows that home learning can have a positive impact upon learning when used in a focused way.
The positive side is that:
- Children become enthused when faced with investigative, open ended and practical home activities
- Parents are able to support where the school clearly links the home learning with the school learning.
- Children can rehearse essential skills
- Children can develop good learning behaviours
The type of home learning will depend upon the age, ability, interest and Learning Journey at the time
Remote Learning
If children are away from school due to illness, we would not expect them to carry out any home learning or remote learning. On some rare occasion, children may be off school but able to continue with their learning.
Below are some suggestions, should you wish to carry out any further learning or wish to support your child with any learning whilst they are at home.
Phonics support: The Little Wandle website is linked to the phonics we teach in school.
Reading: Listening to stories or reading a book always supports your child's learning.
Maths- your child can access their TT Rock Stars account or MyMaths account to develop Key Skills
A Wide Range of Subjects can be found on the Oak Academy website. The Half Termly Curriculum letter will give you details of what your child is learning each half term.
Student Help for Satchel One: click here
Parent Help for Satchel One :- click here
Satchel One issues
We have been made aware that some students are not able to upload homework via the submit button, this can be caused by a number of issues but the main two are, student logged in as a parent and browser or device cache requires resetting.
You could also try another device if you have one. If you are still having issues please contact us at satchel1@bassetts-farm.devon.sch.uk
TT Rockstars
TT Rockstars will only be available from 07.30am - 08.30pm