Bassetts Farm Primary School

A love of learning for life

St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4GB

01395 275968

Bassetts Farm Curriculum- Parent Information

At Bassetts Farm, our curriculum is based around the National Curriculum. Our Learning Journeys ensure that all themes are cohesive, relevant and that children make great progress, whilst enjoying their learning.

Details of the National Curriculum can be found here.

For RE we follow the Devon Agreed Syllabus and adapt it to work alongside the Learning Journeys where possible.

For PSHE, we use the PSHE association scheme. The overviews can be seen on the PSHE page.

For each of the subjects, you can find a detailed framework on our Curriculum Pages

Parent  Curriculum Information Booklets

The Parent Information Booklets below will give you details of the expectations for each year.