Bassetts Farm Primary School

A love of learning for life

St John’s Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 4GB

01395 275968

“A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.” DfE 2014

At Bassetts Farm, our primary objective for the teaching of Maths is to ensure that all children are provided with the environment, experiences and opportunities required for them to become confident young mathematicians, who can develop a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about Maths, and who are able to successfully share their ideas, explain their reasoning and justify their thinking.

We aim to deliver a Maths curriculum which is accessible to all children, that effectively builds upon their previous learning, and in which all pupils feel confident to participate and to share their views. To enable all children to acquire and develop the knowledge and cultural capital that they need in order to succeed in life, we aim to provide a broad range of experiences and opportunities that encourage all children to become resilient, creative learners, who are inquisitive and curious about Maths. We fully appreciate the importance of helping children to become deeper thinkers, who can apply their experiences, knowledge and skills confidently to a range of different contexts and who recognise and appreciate the significance of Maths within the wider world.

Our aim at Bassetts Farm is to provide an environment and learning experiences in line with a teaching for mastery approach, in which all children are encouraged and supported to develop a deep, connected and sustained understanding of the Maths being explored and in which reasoning and problem solving is at the heart of the children’s learning. We want all of our children to be able to talk effectively about their Maths, so that they become increasingly confident with articulating their thinking, asking questions to clarify their own and other’s understanding and where they are able to justify their reasoning, using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.

From EYFS onwards, through support, encouragement, time, resources and high quality teaching, our goal is to ensure that all children, regardless of any social disadvantage that they may have, make the progress that they are capable of and that the children themselves recognise and understand that through hard work and a positive attitude they can achieve and be successful in Maths.

Our intention is to ensure that the teaching of Maths successfully contributes to the delivery of a broad, rich and ambitious curriculum across the whole school, in which all children are encouraged, supported and challenged in order to achieve their full potential and strive to excel.

Gallery of Maths Learning

Famous Mathematicians